our roots

Christmas 2020 was Nikki Maucere Jackson’s first as a widow with two young children, just five short months after her sweet husband, Craig was killed following a car accident on his way to work one July morning. She soon learned from other widows that kids can get very upset on Christmas morning when their surviving parent doesn’t have any gifts to open. In order to combat this, many widows have the terribly sad task of shopping for, wrapping, and then opening (and pretending to be surprised) gifts for themselves Christmas morning. It can actually be one of the worst parts of the holiday for many widows, and she quickly realized that single parents often have a similar struggle.

After reaching out to an organization that aimed to help single parents and being shamed for asking for gifts for herself (they only wanted to provide gifts for the children), even though she offered to pay for them, Nikki realized we have a true heart need that needs to be met and is NEVER talked about. So, she started a movement that she never thought would catch on - The Fairy Godmothers. Nikki and The Fairy Godmothers were able to help over 60 widowed and single parents that first year to feel seen, loved, and cared for, while also showing their children that their parent is seen, loved, and cared for, providing more emotional security for those sweet children. To date, they’ve served nearly 1,300 single and widowed parents in total between their 4 holiday seasons!